rocketdog is back from the commie land. it has been too long since we blogged here. i'm trying to get rocketdog to start blogging here again as i've started a new blog elsewhere.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
As you know, I have been unemployed lately. Well, things are looking up, cause now I am gainfully underemployed. I am starting a gig tutoring oral English to business people. The clients are mostly Korean or Japanese living here and wanting to brush up on their English for work purposes. It should be interesting. At least it will give me something to do and some income.
Other than that, today I kept on living the dream of a lady of leisure. I slept in until 11, believe it or not it's been a LONG time since I've done that. I then had lunch with a group of friends at a Chinese restaurant where were ordered too much - I think we had over 12 dishes for 6 people. The weather today is extremely nice so, now I am sitting outside on the rooftop deck listening to music, job hunting and breathing in the dusty, polluted Shanghai air. Later, we'll be grilling out on the deck.
Ah, underemployment, its underrated. (Not really, I'm just trying to make myself feel better.)
Posted by
4:49 AM
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
good samaritan
i did my good deed today when i was coming out of the supermarket with baby moc. as we were crossing the parking lot, i saw a man's wallet lying on the ground. i looked around and saw two men walking away from the area where the wallet was located. one man's back pockets looked flat so i ran after him shouting "sir, sir, excuse me, sir...". it took a few tries before he heard me and when i asked him if he dropped his wallet, he said yes. yay! good deed done for the day.
Posted by
2:12 AM
Labels: random
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
So pathetic that no one else reads this blog, huh? We'll just write back 'n' forth to each other until we find a reader. Ha.
Your niece and I played with home-made playdough today. She doesn't like the texture of it so she doesn't touch it with her hands. She pokes it with a chopstick and then makes me play with it. Today I made a parade of yellow and green giraffes ("raffey") for her. I'll upload a picture of it later.
Okay, that's it for now.
Posted by
12:18 AM
Labels: baby moc
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Hello from Commie Land!
Hi MocMoc - Since you're probably the only one reading this. I'm not sure what to blog about. I guess I'll just tell you some interesting things I saw in the past couple of days that you'd only see in China. I need to get my camera back and start taking more pictures.....
1. I was walking down the street and saw an old man on a bike leaning over and picking up a small crushed pink and white box. After examining it for a while he put it back down on the floor. About less than a foot from the box was a pink and white stick -- yup a pregnancy stick, just hanging out on the sidewalk.
2. My ayi (my maid - its very common in China to have one) was dusting my beat up tissue box.
3. There is a vegetable stand down the street from my apartment that sells a lot of produce that is hard to get in China -- arugala, avocados (my favorite!), basil, they even have salmon. It's frequented by a lot of foreigners. I went there the other day and there was a Chinese woman with a "lao wai" (whitie). She was asking the vendor "zhe xie shi bu shi duo shi lao wai chai"? aka "are these all 'whitie' vegetables?". Didn't realize there were such things as "lao wai" vegetables.
Posted by
11:19 PM
Monday, March 23, 2009
new blog called title here.
trying out a new design for the blog however i can't figure out how to change the title. so for now, our blog is called "title here".
Posted by
1:24 AM
Labels: random
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Yup, we're back and now Mocmoc has a 21-month old daughter.
Posted by
MocMoc and Rocketdog
10:15 PM
and we're back
....... 2 1/2 years later. we're back. RD can now access blogger in China..... i can't believe i'm still in China...
Posted by
MocMoc and Rocketdog
9:41 PM