Well, last night I got my 15 minutes of fame or should I say 15 seconds of fame. Mr. Moc and I went to Little Italy for a late dinner. We sat at a table that's outside the restaurant on a sidewalk...there was a row of 4 tables - we were the last. About 20 minutes into our dinner, the Ch. 5 news fan pulls up and out comes the camera-man. He talks to the owners/managers of the restaurant and then starts filming the row of tables. I thought we would be too far from the camera but lo and behold, we saw ourselves on the 11 o'clock news last night! Actually, you can see my face and you can see the back of Mr. Moc's head. If you're ever in Cleveland, we'll show you the segment (we saved it on TiVo). So there you have it, my 15 seconds of fame. Hehehe. --MM
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Saturday, June 25, 2005
eager beavers
Have you ever had someone in your life at one point in time that just calls all the time and doesn't get the clue? Well, I do. Basically people like this think they are social chair and call everyone and all the time to do stuff. They are over confident and think that without them people can't have a social life. But when you don't call them back or email them back they act like nothing happened and keep calling and emailing. If you don't go out with them "oh come on, don't be such a punk, you know you want to come out. you're coming!". NO! IM NOT LEAVE ME THE *$@# ALONE!! GET THE HINT I DONT WANT TO HANG OUT WITH YOU STOP CALLING ME STOP EMAILING ME AND YOU ARE NOT THE $HIT. Whew! Anyways, mocmoc and i call these people "Eager Beavers".
The funny thing is my Eager Beaver is an older guy who hangs out with younger people. He's like the "Oh-pa" sketch ball. He calls people at work for social reasons. And since Charlotte is such a small city and i work close to this guy, i have run into him randomly a couple of time. So I am always looking behind my back and around when im in public because i am fearful i will run into Eager Beaver. This person once asked me and a bunch of people to go somewhere to listen to some music, well, i told him i could not go because i had friends in from out of town. Then the next day I get this long message from him about going this same outing. I let my friend "nuts" listen to the message. We were on the golf course, so nuts starts to listen to the message and puts the phone down to take a shot and picks the phone bcak up again and the guy is still leaving me a message.
Another time a bunch of us went out to the club and when i was ready to go, i said good bye im leaving. Eager Beaver was super drunk and said "let me walk you to your car". I say "no, im fine, please don't" but he insists on coming and so im stuck with drunk eager beaver who is too drunk to even protect me had something even happened to me. I'm thinking to myself - what is the point?! Well, then we get to my car and I don't know what to do with drunk eager beaver. So I'm thinking what to do I do with this guy? There is no way in heck i am driving 1/2 an hour to take him home (because that would mean i would have to spend an extra 1/2 hour with this guy) and there is absolutely no way in hell i am letting this guy know where i live. So, I dropped him off at his car and said "SEE YA" and sped off. hee hee.
Anyways, I haven't heard from Eager Beaver for over a week (which is quite a long time). The other day mocmoc and i were on the phone she asked me if i had heard from eager beaver lately. I said no. I hang up the phone with mocmoc and THERE IN MY INBOX IS AN EMAIL FROM EAGER BEAVER! "girl, where you at?". I'll tell you where i'm at, anywhere you're not! Then that night i get a phone call from eager beaver. seriously, thank GOD for caller ID and the button that sends calls to voice mail. Thanks a lot MOCMOC for jinxing me.
Posted by
MocMoc and Rocketdog
2:58 PM
Sunday, June 19, 2005
So Mr. Moc and I finally made it to Cleveland. However we haven't moved into our new home yet - we're still staying in a hotel downtown until we close on Tuesday. In the meantime, Mr. Moc and I are trying different restaurants everytime we have lunch and/or dinner. Surprisingly, we've had some dim sum today that was comparable to any of the dim sum we've had in the restaurants that we frequented in LA/SF. In addition, we had pho from this restaurant called Pho #1...not a very creative name but a pretty good place for Vietnamese food. Tomorrow, we're going to have lunch at Siam Cafe, a Thai restaurant suggested to us by Rasta. Rasta was also the one who told us about the dim sum restaurant....she's a pretty cool lady who works at Lexus.
Okay, now you're wondering if we're getting a Lexus. Well, we did test-drive the RX330 and the RX400h..they're both nice cars but not our style. The ride is too soft and cushy so we've crossed Lexus off our list. We've also crossed off the Nissan Murano - sorry Zboy...I don't even think Zboy reads this blog but just in case. The Subaru Tribecca and The Volkswagen Toureag have also been crossed off the list. I think the only cars that are left on the list are the FX35 and the X3. Yup, you heard it from my mouth - I am actually considering a non-German car!!
Q - thanks for thinking of us and our move.
-- MM
Posted by
MocMoc and Rocketdog
10:07 PM
Do you see the damn spots? Those are friggin' midges - they've been clinging to our hotel room window all day. Midges are these little mosquito/gnat-like insects that swarm near the lake...pretty gross and disgusting. Luckily they don't bite, they're just annoying. I'm SO glad the Midges don't live near our new home!
Posted by
MocMoc and Rocketdog
9:59 PM
Buy me some peanuts
Going to the baseball game is all about the food. We started by sharing a hot dog then moved on to nachos, then Cracker Jacks, then bratwurst and then funnel cake! Yum! We thought about getting ice cream too but we already had Cold Stone's earlier in the day. Can you say "oink oink"?!
Posted by
MocMoc and Rocketdog
9:40 PM
Thursday, June 16, 2005
king james and the cavs
Ok so this morning I get a phone call from "jie" at 7:30. She and Mr Moc are at the airport in d.c. on their way to Cleveland. I can't believe they are moving to Cleveland already. I am sad, because now I can't visit them in California anymore, I have to go to Cleveland! At least it is closer. No more sushi and 1.25 taco runs. No more south coast plaza. Well, hopefully when (if i do) move back to Cali Moc Moc can come visit me and we can do those things! It seems like MM has been living in Cali forever, for most of my life at least. Well, I guess we'll just have to do things like the Cavs, the Rock N Roll hall of fame, and i dont know what else.
I am jealous though cause they are moving to a new city. It's always so exciting. It's been over 2 years since I have been living here, which means it's to move!
Posted by
MocMoc and Rocketdog
10:58 AM
Monday, June 13, 2005
dum dum dum dummmm...
In case you couldn't figure it out - the title of my blog is the wedding song that the bride marches down the aisle to. AH-HA! now I bet you are all singing it in your head. Well, the reason I am singing that song is because this weekend I went to a wedding in atlanta. A former co-worker of mine was getting married to a girl he had been dating for 12 years!!! GEEZ.
Anyways, the wedding was very elegant. It was at the intercontinental hotel Atlanta. The ceremoy wasn't really a ceremony. They actually had their ceremony earlier in the day at the Catholic Church with close family. So the one we witnessed, they walked down the aisle together all happy and it was really just a blessing from the priest. They walked down the aisle to that new mariah carey song - we belong together, which was cute, BUT in the video of that song, mariah carey is about to get married but runs away with another guy at the last minute. interesting
The reception was fun. Open bar, good food, and good music. The next morning my friend and I had to return to Charlotte to work the sting game. booooo! But, across the street from our hotel in atl, there was a corner bakery! I haven't seen one of those since I was back in California. So, of course, piggy me said we had to go there for breakfast. Yum. IT was a quick trip, but I wish I could have spent more time there. I always forget how small of a city Charlotte is. Charlotte sucks =( There's no city life.
Posted by
MocMoc and Rocketdog
9:53 PM
Wow - they acquitted Michael Jackson. They didn't even find him guilty on any of the lesser counts of serving alcohol to a minor. Personally, I thought he was guilty just cause he looked like a creepy pedophile. I wonder what the greak is going to do now. Anyway, what do the rest of you think - is he guilty or not? --MM
Posted by
MocMoc and Rocketdog
5:36 PM
I spent an hour this morning with SBC (California) ...I was on hold for a good part of the hour. All I wanted to do was disconnect my phone and DSL service. Ugh. This was even after I spent 20 minutes on the phone with them last week and an additional 55 minutes with SBC Ohio setting up new phone and DSL service! That sucked monkey balls. All the other utilities took a total of 15 minutes to connect/disconnect. What the hell is wrong with them? On top of all the waiting, they wanted to charge me a $200 early termination fee because apparently I'm on a one-year contract with them for the DSL services. Apparently the +1 year DSL contract I had with them when I was in LA doesn't count because the contract was "renewed" when I moved to Northern California. It seems that Southern and Northern California are 2 separate entities so I was given a new contract when I moved up to NoCal. And now that I'm moving to Ohio, I may be charged $200 for leaving my contract early - even though I will be using SBC DSL service in Ohio. I guess I should have known that....if Northern and Southern Cal can't be considered the same entity then there's no way Ohio would be the same. Ugh.
Back to packing... --MM
Posted by
MocMoc and Rocketdog
3:20 PM
Thursday, June 09, 2005
I got into a car accident on Tuesday. I'm so sad, my poor car. I was travelling down a one way street. This lady turned left into a parking deck from the right lane. The middle lane was blocked off and she thought the left lane was blocked off too. NOPE! I was coming down the left lane minding my own business and I see this Volvo headed towards me! Volvo on Volvo impact. How sad and ironic. My right headlight is GONe, my bumper, hood, front and rear right doors all need to be replaced. GRRRRRRRRRRR......
Anyways, so MM - do you want to blog about eager beavers or should i?
Hey MM - have you been watching the NBA finals? Do you even know who is in it right now?
Posted by
MocMoc and Rocketdog
10:43 PM
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Hey MocMoc - there was just a commercial on TV for a new show on WE (no, i was not watching the womens' network) called "Bridezilla". Made me think of you.
All our loyal readers - Bridezilla makes me think of mocmoc, not because she was bridezilla but some people that she knows were.
Posted by
MocMoc and Rocketdog
10:20 PM
Monday, June 06, 2005
Ode to Jamba
mocmoc called me today had me look up online to see if there was a jamba in Cleveland. SOL. So she was telling me about how she was going to stock up on Jamba Juice before she moved to Cleveland. She said she wasn't as crazy about it as I was, but I pointed out to her she has not been withOUT it before. She's always had the option of having jamba juice. Yes, I loved jamba when I had it close by, but NOT having it makes you even crazier about it. It's like if someone told you not to look inside a box, wouldn't you want to look? Yes, that's what not having jamba can do to you. Soon you start to think about the cold, sweet, smooth and refreshing taste. OH MAN! IT FEELS SO GOOD WHEN IT HITS YOUR LIPS (**guess what movie that is from?) its sweet and cold and a bit sour. But it goes down your throat and you can feel the cold falling down to your stomach. The styrafoam cup. The little logo. The small chunks of strawberry or banana that come up the straw. The brain freeze. The seeds that get stuck between your teeth. The feeling of being full and hungry an hour later. The urge to have to pee ever 1/2 hour afterwards. Yes, I miss it all.
Then you start having dreams about it when you sleep at night. You even ask your cousin to send one to you in the mail. Then your body goes into the shakes from withdrawals. Even casual users can have withdrawals. So, MocMoc and Mr Moc you better stock up. One a day. Eventually - it takes about 4 years - you live with not having it. but you guys won't be in cleveland long enough to know that bittersweet bliss.
*sigh...... jaaaambbaaa juiiiiccee
Posted by
MocMoc and Rocketdog
10:06 PM
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Revenge of the...
So I'm in San Diego for an industry conference. Instead of getting up at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning to fly down in time for my 10AM meeting, I decided to fly down this evening. Not only do I get to sleep in but I also get to hang out with a good friend who lives in SD. We had dinner at this restaurant called Little Hawaii which he wanted to try. We both had the spam fried rice...it was okay. Now, we're hanging out at his place - both of us have our laptops out, being nerdy. It's fine with me though...it's just like being at home sitting on the couch with my laptop. It's nice to be able to relax before the craziness of the conference starts tomorrow.
Posted by
MocMoc and Rocketdog
1:42 AM