Wednesday, August 24, 2005

baby boy

So little "Ralphie" as I like to call him is so funny. I'm staying with Cora Bubbles and his family. Well, little Ralphie is such a boy. He stands there sucking his thumb with his other hand down his diaper like Al Bundy. Although of course right now he has a silver beaded necklace around his neck and is pulling along Boogers' pink Dora suitcase.

Anyways, earlier I was listening to some Common and Ralphie was totally bopping his head just like a lil thug. haha.

I need some coffee bean.....



MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

OMG - he looks just like Cora Bubbles (see OhanaTales blog)!
RD> More pictures of the kids please!


Cobra Bubbles and the Grand Councilwoman said...

Its so embarassing. We were walking around the outlets and the guys behind the counter were laughing and saying "look a Mini Al Bundy!!" I was soo embarassed
- Cobra

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