Sunday, September 11, 2005

my new crib

I have finally moved into my new place. I wish I had real internet up (and not stolen) internet so I could show you pictures. Since I have been here I haven't had much time to organize. I have been too busy catching up on school work. As I have been sitting here the past 6 hours working on a stupid 8 point paper. I am a bit rusty at this school work thing.

On to bigger and better things:
2. I am so happy Ohio State lost
3. I am happy LSU won - i thought it was very sad how they had to play their "home game" at Arizona State University (their opponent tonight). What sort of home field advantage is that?

I love football season. Tomorrow its on to the NFL. I am so happy for MrMoc because MocMoc and MrMoc now have two tvs, so he can watch football.



MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

Yeah, luckily the new TV just in time for football season. Now I can watch my Lifetime movies and Oprah, right?! ;) --MM

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