Thursday, November 03, 2005

wednesday night dinner

So Roomie, MR. Clean and I decided that Wednesdays we would try to have "dinners" together. Since wednesday is my day off I have time to cook. So after we picked up roomie from work, we all stopped by the supermarket. With Roomie as my sou chef I made meatloaf. It was a very easy recipe but it takes a long time to cook. It was my first time ever making meatloaf, in fact I hardly ever eat meatloaf, but it was damn good. Then Mr Clean made roasted garlic mashed potatoes and I made lemon butter asparagus. It was so yum!! I think Mr Clean made a lot of mashed potatoes I thikn we still have like 3 pounds left. haha. What else goes with mashed potatoes?


MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

Looks yummy! Good job.

BBQ chicken and steaks go w/mashed potates. If you get sick of eating garlic mashed potatoes, you can some sweet corn to it for texture. Just defrost some frozen sweet corn...Call me for more ideas. --MM

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