Sunday, March 12, 2006

$3 a day!

This was one of the best meals I had on my trip to Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic and the whole meal cost less than $3! Beans & rice, tender chicken and potato salad...don't ask me why I didn't take the plastic wrap off the potato salad before taking this picture.

Anyway, I bought this meal from a local restaurant/deli that was located a couple of blocks from my hotel. There's a sit-down section and then there are these 2 other sections in the restaurant...there's a room for all the baked goods/pastries and another section with glass cases of food. The best part is that I could walk in and point to whatever I wanted to eat and just speak a minimal amount of spanish. Now I hope I can places like this in Brazil and Ecuador. Yup, I'm off on another trip. --MM


MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

i sure hope it tasted as good as it looks =)

MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

It did - this was the best meal I've had on my trips lately! --MM

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