Friday, July 28, 2006


Hi Loyal Reader (that means you, Jill), Rocketdog and I are both going to be away for about a week, attending a family wedding and then spending some time at the family abode in the countryside (aka - the parental units home in NC). Don't worry, we are taking Mr. Moc with us. In any case, no blogging from Mocmoc for about a week and probably no blogging from Rocketdog for a few weeks. I promise to have plenty to blog about after I get back. In any case, I leave you with this picture of some random couple I saw on Manhattan Beach when I was in town earlier this month. I like the colors of the umbrella against the blue color of the sky. --MM


Anonymous said...

Awww, I get a special mention, again. Have fun you guys! Eat tons of good food :) And don't miss me too much! haha jk =)

Anonymous said...

MM! I went to Lemon Moon for lunch today with Maki! It was good :) She says she sees you a lot whenever you stay over at RD's. =)

MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

YAY! Did you like Lemon Moon? LM is one of my favorite lunch places in LA! How is M doing? I see her and D all the time. :) --MM

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