Tuesday, August 08, 2006

happy birthday roomie

Tomorrow, well, today, August 8th is my roomie's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROOMIE!
In honor of her, I made some red velvet cup cakes with cream cheese coconut frosting. I made these from sratch and it was tricky. I had to use red dye, haha. And I made twice as much frosting as I did cake batter, so I have some left over which I froze and maybe can use in the future. Unfortunately I won't really be able to celebrate Roomie's birthday with her as I will be on plane all day to Europe. (which is also the reason for the spurt of blogs, i will be mia for a while). Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROOMIE (again!!)



MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

Oh! Happy Birthday, Roomie!!!! How old are you now...17?? ;) --MM

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the cupcakes, Roomie!!! They were de-licious!!! You totally surprised me! I was wondering what was in all those tupperware containers!!!....Mocmoc - I'm getting old!!! Thanks for the birthday shoutout on xanga. How do you know Jen Chen!?!

MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

omg! That WAS her!! She's a younger member of my sorority at UCI and is a good friend of one of my good friends. Geez, what a small world!! How the heck do you know her??? --MM

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