Friday, September 08, 2006

Shish kabob - a la Taiwan

___In Taiwan, anything edible can be put on a stick for convenience (no more dish-washing) and "take-away-ability"...cuttlefish, squid, quail eggs, candied cherry tomatoes (picture on left) and even stinky tofu - aka "cho tofu" (picture on right). --MM


Anonymous said...

Why do they call it stinky tofu? Is it because it's stinky?

MrMoc said...

It's "fermented" so a little stinky! But, so good!

MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

IT SMELLS LIKE @$$. I don't know how people can eat it. How are they not repulsed just stinking it near their face?!

Anonymous said...

Where are the rest of the food blogs?

MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

They're coming...eventually! --MM

Anonymous said...

Join me at facebook...I look really lame with no friends lol.

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