Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Super Sub Tuesday!

So Tuesday lunchtime in Charlotte is a big deal. (At least in my office and in my world.) That's because it is Super Sub Tuesday's at Harris Teeter (or as Mr. Moc and I call it - "Hairy Teets" yeah real mature). Anyways, Super Sub Tuesday's mean you can go to the deli section at HT and get whatever 1/2 sub (about 7 inches) for 1.99 with your VIC card! Talk about a cheap lunch. I always get the same - Italian Sub with mustard, lettuce, tomato, onion, oil and vinegar, pepper, and spices. yum. The best part of it is that it's in a super market so I can pick up some fruit or whatever for snacky poo!

Anyways, I started to do some packing/cleaning. In the span of an hour I have cleaned out two bags of trash and 1 bag of donation clothes! If I had boxes or large suitecases I could be so much more product and this could go a lot faster, so my next mission is to locate some of those. 2 1/2 more weeks of RD in Charlotte. How sad.

Listening to : Jack Johnson - Banana Pancakes (p.s. countdown to Jack 11 days!!!!)



MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

You're going to Jack again?! Jealous!

oooh! Donation bags - anything for me? Hehehe -

MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

I've never been to Jack!! silly head. Um, yeah i might have a coat for you..

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