Friday, November 18, 2005

care bears

Since MocMoc took a picture of an old care bear piggy bank of mine, I am now inspired to write about care bears. I used to LOVE care bears, but I never had a REAL one. I remember I had a small plastic one that moved at the limbs and mom bought me a like cloudly playland for it, but we ended up returning it I think.

Anyways, I remember mocmoc made me one when I was little. It was funshine bear or maybe a friendship bear. Or maybe it was a yellow friendship bear. Anyways, she never finished it so it had no face. And THEN the arms fell off. It was the faceless, armless care bear. Quite scary, but it was a nice thought =)

I think my favorite one growin up was Grumpy Bear cause he wasn't so damn peppy all the time. Plus I always wanted to cheer him up. Which one is your favorite care bear?


Anonymous said...

What was the name of the one with the cupcake on it's tummy? I think I like that one cuz cupcakes are good.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to correct my grammar on my previous's should be its/his/her. That is all.

MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

omg, bob the fob?! LOL! Hi Mr. Clean! :) --MM

Anonymous said...

Yes, Bob The Fob because my siblings and Sai call me a Fob. It's just because they're jealous that I can kinda speak Tagalog and they can't! hehehe Care Bears Stare! Remember that one?

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