Thursday, May 04, 2006

gelsons to the rescue

At my work there is NOTHING to eat around there. It's in a residential area that takes practically 10 minutes just to get out of. Well, I've been frequenting Subway more than I would like simply because there really isn't much else as an option. Well, today I decided to spice things up and I headed over to Gelson's the local supermarket where I purchased some sushi from the ready-to-go section. I got spicy tuna rolls with brown rice. Yup.. this posh neighorhood has Gelson's as the local market and they sell sushi with BROWN rice. Well, it was good, relatively cheap, and healthy. Subway, who?



MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

I don't think I've ever seen sushi with brown rice before! Now that's my kind of sushi!! Mmmm, can't wait til Thursday night. ;) --MM

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