Thursday, July 20, 2006

double D's

One thing i miss since I moved back to the west coast is Dunkin Donuts - affectionately known as DD. Its huge in Boston so I have fond summer memories of it. In Boston I swear they give directions based on DD's. Instead of streets people in Boston use landmarks, so it goes something like this "So..when you see tha thihd dunkin donuts ya wanna turn right and then when ya see that fohth dunkin donuts on the left make anotha right." HAHAHA. A couple years ago they brought it down to Charlotte. But nope, not in Cali. Anyways, so I requested that I go to DD while I was in NY. There's one there on every corner too. So I got my favorite a Boston Kreme and then accompanied it with an iced coffee. Sorry the picture is so ghetto, my Boston Kreme got smushed in my bag cause I was riding around in the subway.


MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

omg - you're so right! They DO give directions based on Dunkin Donuts' locations! --MM

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