Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Day 4 Continued - Crab Handroll

RocketDog and I had dinner at Echigo along with my good friend, Scooby. Echigo is a sushi restaurant that offers the option of "omakase" style eating. This means that you don't place orders...the sushi chef will serve you whatever he wants - usually what's fresh for that day. We ended the meal with a second crab handroll. Although I can't complain about Echigo's sushi since it's great compared to what I get in Cleveland, I like Sushi Wasabi better. The sushi seems to be fresher and the dishes more inventive. There is no other option but "omakase" here. Unfortunately Sushi Wasabi was not an option on this trip. :( I heart sushi! --MM


MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

mmmm.... WASABI! my faaavorite!

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