Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Severance Hall

Since RocketDog seems to have disappeared from her blogging duties, I am blogging again. Mr. Moc and I went to Severance Hall to watch a concert by the Cleveland Orchestra. They performed 2 pieces: the first one was written by a Chinese composer named Chen Yi entitled Si Ji ("Four Seasons") and lasted about 20 minutes. The 2nd piece was Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 9 with 4 movements. There is no intermission between the 4 movements so we couldn't move for 1 1/2 hours. Usually I can't sit for such long periods of time...I doze off...but this time I didn't. I think that means I liked the concert! ;)

You can't really tell from this picture but Severance Hall is gorgeous. The lighting was really soft and pretty. Mr. Moc and I both agreed that if we could bring books to read, it would have been a perfect concert! Hehehe. --MM


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