Monday, April 24, 2006


Normally, I make picadillo with ground beef but I didn't have any ground beef today. I used ground addition, the recipe calls for a green bell pepper and beef broth. I had neither so I substituted with chopped up green beans and chicken broth. The picadillo was still good but it was a lighter version of the original version. --MM


MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

i *heart* picadillo. i remember you sending me the recipe. now I have to find it......

Anonymous said...

I drool everytime I see the pictures... I'm always hungry after I read your blog hehe :)

MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

Thanks, Quliit! If you ever come visit me out here, I'll cook for you! ;) BTW, what happened to your website...the past couple of times when I tried to look at it, it was down. :( --MM

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