Monday, June 19, 2006


Finally catching up with my food shots. I made this linguine with bolognese dish a few days after I got home from my CA trip. This is a little different from my usual spaghetti sauce. I made this with ground beef, tomatoes, herbs and spices and milk. Both Mr. Moc and I thought it was pretty tasty. --MM

Edit: Here's a link to a simple bolognese recipe. It's not the exact recipe that I used but it should give you a good idea on how to make bolognese.


MocMoc and Rocketdog said...


MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

yeah, it makes the sauce rich and yummy! I'll make it for you one of these days...maybe 4th of July weekend. --MM

Anonymous said...

Interesting, I've never tried putting milk before. Did you put a lot of milk?

MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

Check the original post. I added a link to a bolognese recipe. :)--MM

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