Friday, June 09, 2006

Kimchee Bokembap

Since I'm behind on my daily blog of "everything I ate", I'm going to double-up on my posts. I made this kim-chee fried rice topped with fried egg the second night after I got back home. --MM


Anonymous said...

That looks good...I just had korean yesterday, I've never had kimchee fried rice before...i'm getting hungry!

MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

yum, that looks good. did you put spam in it? --RD

MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

no, didn't have any spam so used some bacon. this was different than my usual kim-chee fried rice. --MM

MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

ewww bacon. i dont know whats worse, ham, spam or bacon? actually i think ham is the worst, then bacon then spam actaully.

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