Thursday, October 20, 2005

gumbo yaya

Today I went to the grove with roomie and her fiance aka Mr Clean, and roomie's friend from NY. We decided to go to the farmer's market to eat. MMM... Mr Clean and Roomie's friend had bbq. Roomie and I had cajun food. And yes, I had GUMBO YAYA! Ooh was it good! I wish I had a picture of it. But I got the chicken and adouille sausage. I have to say that out of all the gumbo I've ever had this place might possible be the best. Of course I haven't been to New Orleans so I don't know how they do it down there. One day I will make it down to the Big Easy. Then afterwards Roomie, Mr Clean and I shared some funnel cake. YUM! And we bought fresh fruit - rasberries, mangos, apples, and grapes. Now I'm hungry.


Anonymous said...
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MocMoc and Rocketdog said...

Darn spammers.

I'm jealous! I miss that farmer's market - next time you should go for crepes.

Hi Roomie and Mr. Clean!

Anonymous said...

you guys eat out alot....hehehhehee....but damn all the food looks soo yummy!...and RD's gumbo sounded to die for! I heart GUMBO!


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